Are You A Real Woman? Find Out Here

Yes, you read that headline right.

So it’s safe to say that various issues piss me off on a daily basis. Racism, ignorance, bullying, and general technical issues, to name a few. Today, I would like to talk about the issue of “real women” and how to define them. You see there are a lot of theories out there about what makes a real woman and I’m afraid that if I keep my mouth shut any longer, the rest of you might die uninformed about what a real woman really is.

Let me throw some known meme phrases at you so you can really build up for the rest of this article. “Real women have curves,” “real women have big boobs,” “real women can hold a pen under their boobs,” and “real women are skinny.” Are you angry yet? You should be.

Here’s the thing ladies, the phrase “real women” are used daily to force you to feel or think some type of way. Even worse, these phrases force young girls to think there is such a thing as a “real woman” ideal to live up to. What is the secret about these real women you ask? THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS AN IDEAL REAL WOMAN! A real woman would never tear down any other woman just to feel better about herself.

You may have guessed it, but yes I am pretty fucking pissed off about this. Maybe I’m pissed off because I don’t have these curves or big boobs I’m “supposed” to have in order to be a real woman, but perhaps I am mad because I have known several actual REAL women in my life, and they would never make these statements about other people.

I don’t know who you are posting these memes, I don’t know about your issues, but please hear me when I tell you that posting this will absolutely not make you anything but a petty female. If you are in fact not female, perhaps just a little boy who thinks he knows what a real woman is, to you dear boy I say this: One day, you will meet a female who you didn’t even know you could love that much. She will surprise you and you will grow because of her. She is your daughter, and one day some asshole of a guy will break her heart and say something like “real women have big boobs” and you will know the pain of seeing someone you love that much be hurt by someone just like you (no matter how big or small she is).

Let me tell you what a REAL woman is. A real woman is someone who cares for the people around her. A real woman is someone who works hard for what she has, and she can do it alone if she has to. A real woman is a person. Real women can be slim, thick, skinny, fat, with stretch marks, without stretch marks, with makeup, without makeup, long hair, short hair, curly hair, straight hair, big lips, thin lips, flat ass, big ass, no boobs, some boobs, or big boobs. She can wear dresses or pants, or high heels, or flats, tight clothes, or loose clothes. She can have sex, or choose not to, she can be with one guy or many guys, she can also be with other girls, she can love food, or hate food, she can have fake nails, or real nails, fake breasts, or real ones, and she can certainly make her own choices.

Ladies and gentleman, there are enough problems in this world so let’s not add on by shaming each other. At the end of the day, the people that love you will never care if you look a certain type of way (and if they do kick them the fuck out). Embrace who you are and how you look, and equally important stop trying to prove you are something your not. Next time you want to post about real women, take a picture of your mother, I’m sure she raised you way better than trashing other women. *Flipping you off*

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